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Welcome to INZAI  a fantastic story mixing real facts #JWST and fiction, based on the universal question, are we alone in the universe ? Every month a new part of the story will be available with their products.

Inzai a space journey
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Photo/Images are courtesy of: ESA/NASA; 

A  mysterious white cube has been discovered in the Atacama desert emitting radio wave but why ?

The time for exploration is now.. The International Space Agency, also known as ISA, as been created at the UNO to explore this mystery. This is the story of the ISA.


International Space Agency 

The ISA is a top agency gathering the best of the best over the world. 

After an hard and difficult selection process,  5  specialists were selected to travel through space to discover, who or what is behind the white cube.

The team

Elected for their competencies and desire to discover the mysteries of the universe, a team of 5 earth representatives was assembled. IZ1 and IZ2 were built to support the ISA team in its endeavour.


 Quantum and Cosmos Scientist

Alex is the first person to win 3 Nobel prizes in different fields. Some people call her the ‘’Einstein Sister’’. Her deep work on the quantum physics and its relation to the black energy made an unusual hit in the scientist community. Her works on the Alcubierre theory allowed to turn it to reality. From the beginning involved on the white box decoding, she has demonstrated a capacity to learn new physics very fast. In the new venture, Alex is a key person in physics engineering but also understands new physics used in different worlds…….

Originally working in the U.S military strategic boards, Matt shows an incredible sense on tactics and enhanced diplomatic skills. As part of the strategic board of the ISA, he defines the need of an exploration mission to get more information on the white box. He is the first who pushed the creation of the ISA and setup a team ready to travel to new horizons. In the new venture, Matt will have to maintain the enthusiasm of the team. He will be in charge of diplomacy with other forms of life…….


Strategic Diplomatic Defender


  Transcendental Psychologist

In 2025, Amara had a shock with the discovery of a new form life out of Earth. Originally a traditional african priest, Amara was working for most of the NGO in Africa. This gave him a deep knowledge of the religion and its interaction with humanity. Connected to all forms of life on earth, and with all those abilities, Amara is ready to confront the unknown…………

Part of the longest human being civilization, Ziran worked on many actual and extinct civilizations. Her deep understanding of the civilization life cycle and interaction between different cultures is a strong asset to the ISA team. Ziran will be the knowledge pillar of the team by helping it understand and act with caution with potential new civilizations.


  Civilization Specialist


  Exobiology Specialist

Spiritual daughter of the famous Exobiologist Joshua Lederberg, Ticasuk made an exceptional work about the form of lifes in the Antarctic ice. She also theorizes form life based on Silicon instead of Carbone. Looking into the future she did some work on creation of new forms of life with earth DNA to create new species. In the fantastic opportunity to join the ISA team and be part of the understanding of entirely new life forms, Ticasuk will definitely bring new knowledge and understanding of the frontier of life….


  Engineering Specialist

  Human Support 

Next release 2022

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