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Confidentiality policy

Ubikk, owner of the website, is concerned about the protection of personal data. It is committed to ensuring that the personal data it processes is protected in accordance with applicable regulations. That is why we have adopted this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is intended to describe how your personal information is processed and used and we will do our best to ensure that our activities remain within the spirit of this Privacy Policy. Please note that by visiting and using, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.


Every computer connected to the Internet is assigned a domain name and an IP address. When a visitor requests a page from the website, our Web Servers automatically identify and log the HTTP request made to our Web Server. This information does not reveal anything personal about you. In fact, the only information we automatically collect and record is the following: The IP address of the site that may have directed you to our site; your IP address; the web page through which you may have accessed us, if any; the Product ID for the browser version and name (e.g., Internet Explorer 5.5); the operating system you may be using (e.g., Macintosh or Windows); and the search words or terms entered into a search engine (such as Google, Yahoo).

Personal Data Processed.

The personal data that may be processed include the following:
Last name
First name
Personal and professional e-mail

Personal information that must be provided is indicated by an asterisk. If you do not provide this information, Ubikk will not be able to process your request. Some personal data is collected automatically as a result of the User's actions on the site.

Forms and methods of data collection.

Personal information is collected by the company of the following methods:

Purchase on the site :
Contact form :
Newsletter registration form:

Use of personal data. will disclose your personal information or any of the information contained in its log files when required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: Comply with the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on; protect and defend the rights or property of, or visitors to the website; identify individuals who may be violating the law, legal process or the rights of third parties; participate in investigations of alleged illegal activities. takes reasonable precautions to keep the information disclosed to us secure. reserves the right to transfer information related to the sale of all or a portion of's capital stock or shares to any third party. Further, we are not responsible for any breach of security or any action of any third party receiving the information. Although we provide "links" to other websites on the Internet, we are not responsible for their privacy policies or how those sites treat information about their users. We strongly encourage you to review the privacy policies of those websites.

Use of cookies.

By continuing to browse the Site, the User accepts the use of cookies. Cookies are small files that can be deposited and/or read when consulting the site and using the services offered on it. Some cookies are essential to the proper functioning of the Site, while others allow various measures of attendance. By refusing the installation of these essential cookies, the proper functioning of the Site as well as access to all of the sections and features offered on the Site may not be guaranteed.
By continuing to browse this Site, the User accepts the use of these cookies. The User can also manage the recording of cookies by setting the parameters of his browser. The settings depend on the browser and the terminal used. Please refer to the information provided by each browser publisher:
Internet Explorer:
- Chrome:
- Firefox:
- Safari:

Purposes and legal bases of the processing.

Personal data are processed for the following purposes:
- The response to the requests of the Users via the Contact section
- sending regular informative newsletters

Duration of storage.

Personal data relating to a prospect/contact who is not a client are kept for a period of 3 years from the date of their collection or the last contact from the prospect.

Users' rights.
The User has the right to access, rectify, delete and port his or her data, as well as the right to oppose, limit and withdraw consent where applicable, under the conditions and within the limits provided by the regulations.
In addition, in accordance with Article 40-1-II of the French Data Protection Act, the User may provide Ubikk with instructions regarding the retention, deletion and communication of his/her data after his/her death.
To exercise any of these rights, the User may contact Ubikk by mail at the following address:

Applicable law.

The Privacy Policy and any dispute arising from the collection or processing of personal data by Ubikk, are subject to French law and the jurisdiction of the courts.

Changes to the Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy may be modified at any time by Ubikk.

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